Date and time

Sun, October 24, 2021

3:00 PM – 4:30 PM EDT

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Online event

A safe, confidential, and accepting place to talk about death and dying.

About this event

A Death Cafe is a safe, confidential, and accepting place to talk about death and dying. While death is one of the few things that truly unites us all, talking about death is still taboo in many spaces. A Death Cafe is an intentional space in which we can explore anything and everything related to the end of life. It’s an open, group-directed conversation, intended, as described at, “to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives.” At a Death Cafe, you are welcome to share your experiences, your curiosity, your fears, and your hopes around death and dying.

Presented by WITCHFest North, this Death Cafe will be a witch-friendly space, understanding that those of us who identify as Witches, Pagans, or practitioners of a multitude of earth-based spiritualities may have particular and unique perspectives and experiences with death, dying, and the dead. However, all are most welcome! Please join Rebecca Rose as your host with guests for a reflective, nourishing and even uplifting conversation as the veil thins.

What to bring: yourself, your thoughts and questions about death, your open hearts and minds – and a snack! Death Cafe’s founders are emphatic that “nothing marks the community of the living like sharing food and drink.” Since we cannot meet in person to share food, please feel free to bring your own coffee, tea, and treats! (Please note that for this cafe we are requesting no alcoholic beverages please.)

For more information about the Death Cafe movement, please see

About the Presenter:

Rebecca is a witch, a singer, and a teacher, born in the United States and now living in Tkaronto. Her recent ancestors were white Appalachian colonists of Irish, English, and Scottish descent; her older roots include Celtic, Germanic, and Scandinavian ancestry. She acknowledges with gratitude the Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island upon whose traditional territory she is thankful to live and work.

Rebecca’s witchcraft practice incorporates ancestral reverence, animism, spellcraft, and folk magic, and seeks to build and strengthen respectful, reciprocal relationships with the ecosystem – human, animal, plant, land, and spirit – of which she is a part. She is also a crystal scryer and offers readings to those who seek a safe and nonjudgmental space to explore trends and possibilities in their lives through intuition and symbol. Rebecca trained in the Shadow Path tradition under the mentorship of Monica Bodirsky; she is grateful for Monica’s guidance in the witching arts, and for all of her wise teachers.

In recent years, Rebecca has begun to explore a growing interest in issues pertaining to end-of-life care, death, and dying, leading her to volunteer with a local hospice organization. Whether volunteering, singing, or scrying, Rebecca seeks to facilitate connection, especially in the liminal spaces between this world and the next, between singer and hearer, and between scryer and seeker. Find her at, or on social media @resonanceintuitive.