You can act as a messenger/bearer for no more than three people — three for the vote-by-mail (VBM) application and three for the VBM ballot. Exception: An authorized messenger or bearer may serve as such for up to five qualified voters in an election if those voters are immediate family members residing in the same household as the messenger or bearer.

If you are mailing or dropping off someone else’s VBM application, section 11 of the application form must be filled in and signed by both the voter and messenger.  If you are mailing or dropping off** someone else’s voted ballot, the bearer must fill in and sign the section on the outside of the return envelope.

** RESTRICTION: You cannot act as a bearer for any ballot, other than your own, dropped off at a polling location on Election Day 2020. (VBM ballot drop-off at a polling location was an option for 2020. Voting options for future years may differ.)