Our property taxes are made up of several pieces – municipal, school, and county. Each has its own budget and managing body. There are separate lines on your tax bill to fund each of those entities, plus dedicated municipal and county open space taxes. Your property taxes are paid as a lump sum to the township, which then distributes to the other entities their respective portions.

The local sewerage authority and municipal library also have their own respective budgets and managing bodies.

While there is a separate line on your tax bill for the municipal library, the library rate is not an additional tax. The appropriation for the library is part of the municipal budget, however the appropriation is required by law to be listed as a separate line item on your tax bill.

Sewer fees are currently billed separately from taxes.

The Middletown Township Committee oversees the municipal (township) budget. School and county budgets are managed by the Board of Education and County Board of Commissioners, respectively. All three bodies operate independently, though commonly enter into shared service or purchasing arrangements to reduce costs.

The Library Board of Trustees and the Sewerage Authority (TOMSA) Board are appointed by the Township Committee. However, one member of the Library Board is appointed by the School Superintendent. The Library and TOMSA budgets are separately managed from the Township budget by the respective boards.