For the upcoming November 2021 general election, there are now three options to cast your vote in New Jersey:

  1. Vote-by-mail ballot (Use of a secure drop box is recommended.)
  2. Vote at your own designated polling location on Election Day, Nov. 2 by machine (or by paper provisional ballot)
  3. “Early Vote” Oct. 23-31 by machine (or by paper provisional ballot)

Early voting is a new option for 2021 that allows you to vote at a polling location beginning ten days before Election Day — Oct. 23 through Oct. 31! Early voting is a great option for a voter who cannot make it to his/her designated polling location on Election Day, Nov. 2, during the hours that polls are open. Reasons might be a long work day, vacation or business travel, or being away at school.

For more information about these voting options, see:

Thank you for voting!