by J. Wayne Oldroyd

If I had my choice

I’d rather be lucky than good.

I’d rather be blessed than rich.

I’d rather be respected than feared.

I if I had my choice would choose common sense over textbooks.

But I would read the directions first, look at a map

and ask for help.

If I had my choice, I’d rather o drink soda from a can, not a bottle.

Soda in a glass with ice is another choice.

But too much ice makes my teeth hurt.

I’d choose diet soda but rather have a Diet Pepsi then a Diet Coke.

If I had my choice,

I would rather drink my beer from a glass not a bottle.

But a better choice is when the beer is dark not light.

However, a drink of water is always a good choice.

If I had my choice, I’d rather have bubbles in my drink not ice, and

my bottle would have a cork not a cap.

if I had my choice, I’d rather read then watch,

walk on a trail, then run on a sidewalk,

except I’d rather ride a bicycle or country road.

If I had my choice, I’d rather ride a train then fly in a plane.

But, I’d really like to drive when I have the time

If I had my choice, I’d write a letter, not send a text,

I‘d make phone call, rather than send an email.

If I had my choice, I’d rather smell the flowers, then pick them,

grow them not arrange them.

If I had a choice, I’d rather, watch a baseball game than a soccer match.

But only in a stadium in the bleachers not box seats.

However, it is always my choice is to watch my grandchildren play.

If I had my choice, I’d rather doors remain open, not closed.

I’d rather help open a door, rather than choose to ignore.

Since I have a choice.

I’d choose to be responsible for all of them.

accepting the consequences of each.

My choices make me the person I am today,

because of the choices, I made yesterday.

J. Wayne Oldroyd

WORLD ACCORDING TO WAYNE random thoughts, observations & reflections