In this episode of Here’s the Story, Steve Rogers, creator/producer explores the performers and performances, who have appeared in his hit series, Here’s the Story, which ran on PBS over the last ten years. The creative back story of the music, the artists, the directors and the dancers is both compelling and oh, so, Jersey. Take a look!

“Over the years I’ve been producing films, 10 to be exact, I’ve been blessed by the angels of music, our local, and state-wide melody makers who have appeared on the series and have also contributed their music to the soundtrack. There’s always been a shared sense of creation and even a shared way-of-life with the music makers I’ve cross-pollinated with. So, when I started reviewing ten years of footage, ten years of hard drives, it was an obvious to me that I had to create an episode that includes even just a sliver of all the great music and players I’ve been blessed by and with. “~Steve Rogers


Steve Rogers is the Creator/Producer of the Emmy Nominated PBS series Here’s The Story.  Rogers grew up in the Long Beach Island area and lived in New York City for ten years where he was the Director of the Daytime Emmys and the Technology and Engineering Emmy Awards.