Gregory Lewis – Solo Exhibition

“By the Sea”

Opening Reception

June 3, 1pm – 4pm

Memorial Day through Labor Day

(refreshments will be served)

Guard House & Museum, Building #28, Fort Hancock, Sandy Hook, NJ

Greg’s Bio


Gregory Lewis has over 25 years of decorative painting experience. A graduate of Parsons School of Design in New York City, Gregory also became an instructor there. He continued to fine tune his skills while attending The Isabel O’Neil Studio in New York, where he was also invited to teach.

Gregory and his team of decorative artists, excel in their individual specialties. His murals, Venetian Plaster, custom designed floors, and special wall faux finishes display a style and statement unique in the industry. Gregory works closely with designers, decorators, builders, and homeowners during these projects. His restoration work has earned him the nickname, “The Fixer”.

Over the past several years, Gregory has transformed his passion for art into fine art, mainly, oil on canvas. These works can be viewed at his studio and art galleries throughout the New York area.

Click here to check out more of Greg’s work

Guard House & Museum

Built in 1899, this site is one of the oldest buildings at Fort Hancock. These airy, open, sunlight-filled paintings will be viewed in a setting of extreme contrasts; within two large historic jail cells.